Why does fibromyalgia cause neck pain?

Coping with neck pain fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a pain in the neck, literally. While it is known to cause pain throughout the body, neck pain from fibromyalgia seems to be a common complaint for many people. Is there any reason why our necks are more susceptible to pain? If that is the case, what can we do…

What Aloe Vera Does In Your Body: Why Egyptians Called It The Plant Of Immortality

Known to the Egyptians as the plant of immortality and to Native Americans as the wand of heaven, aloe vera comes with a wide array of amazing healing properties — some of which you may already know about. You might even have your own aloe vera plant in your home for those small emergencies like scrapes, cuts, and burns, but did…

Do you lose strength in your hands? Fibromyalgia sufferers do

A common feature that most people with fibromyalgia presents is a diffuse pain that affects a large part of the body. This disconcerting symptom is often accompanied by morning stiffness, numbness in the hands and feet, ie tingling and numbness, sleep disturbances and above all a feeling of fatigue and fatigue that accompanies them throughout the…

Against Depression: Fewer Medications, More Spirituality and Exercise, Psychiatrist Says

The prescription, at first glance unorthodox for a psychiatrist, is from Dr. Jorge Jaber, a post-graduate professor in psychiatry at PUC-Rio and a chemistry graduate from Harvard Medical School. It celebrates the evolution of medications for patients using antipsychotics (patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, for example), but warns of the worrying abuse of diazepines…

“Brazilians develop apparatus that promises to relieve the pain of fibromyalgia “

“Patients suffering from the pain caused by fibromyalgia will have, as of August, a new treatment to relieve the symptoms of the disease. Instead of appealing to analgesics, anti-inflammatories and antidepressants, patients may undergo sessions on a photodynamic therapy device. It simultaneously emits low intensity laser and therapeutic ultrasound. Light applications are done directly on…

Fibromyalgia: What’s Your Gut Got to Do With It?

Research suggests that this chronic pain disorder may be connected to digestive health. Certain dietary changes might help alleviate fibromyalgia symptoms. By Kate Jackson Medically Reviewed by Samuel Mackenzie, MD, Phd If you have fibromyalgia and also experience digestive issues, your gut problems may be more than a coincidence. “There’s a definite correlation between gut health and fibromyalgia,”…

People With Fibromyalgia Are Only Understood By People With Fibromyalgia

A friend told me that she had heard two or three colleagues talk about another colleague who had fainted as a result of the side effects of a new drug to treat her fibromyalgia:while she was taking her on a stretcher she said, “No one can be so sick. ”In what seemed to validate my situation,…