What is the problem with fibromyalgia and itching? What causes it?

health problem, skin diseases. Young woman scratching her itchy back with allergy rash

Are you losing your mind of scratching an itch that will not go away? It could be the scalp, the back of your neck or behind the ears, legs or feet, and even a finger. And let’s not forget the intimate clothes, like that! It is so itchy or feeling crawling insects in which, sometimes

tingling, and often leads to pain. It is one of the strangest symptoms of fibromyalgia. So strange, in fact, that some patients complain that their fibro doctors had never heard of him.

However, the forums are filled with the same message: “Thank you very much for publishing this! I thought I was losing my mind. I wake up in the middle of the night and the striped when I get out of bed, do not dry blood stains on my sheets. “Some fibro patients post what their doctor (including rheumatologists) offer as explanations. And you know what is funny? All the answers are different.

What causes fibro itching?

An explanation is called tingling which is a sensation that feels like insects crawling on or under the skin. Tingling is actually a paresthesia, which is a sensation like numbness, tingling or burning that “occurs when sustained pressure is placed on a nerve. The sensation disappears quickly once the pressure is relieved. Some people may experience chronic paresthesia. This is usually a symptom of serious underlying diseases. “

Another explanation is metallic toxicities that accumulate in the body and are a major contributor to fibromyalgia symptoms, including rashes and itching. The best and most non-invasive way to examine levels of toxicity in the body is through hair analysis. More information about how this refers specifically to fibromyalgia.

More explanations include irritated or damaged neurotransmitters that manifest in a number of ways, such as burning or itching. One patient even discovered that large amounts of salt contributed to his itching.

To increase the confusion, it seems that the experience of each patient with fibromyalgia is different when it comes to the symptoms of itching. So it makes sense that the explanations would run the entire gamut. However, it is a very real symptom that patients often find fibro. 
Is there any way to treat it?

Given the random nature of itching, then we will look at several options to alleviate it. Remember that this is a process of trial and error, because while a person can swear by a medication or treatment, others will say that particular issue did nothing for its itching. In random order, here are some examples from many forums in which this exact topic was discussed:

Antihistamines such as loratadine (Zyrtec) and Benadryl take daily, usually at night since many experience drowsiness. The added advantage is that it can help you sleep through itching. Although some people have to take it twice a day. A 24-hour gradual-release pill can solve that question. Note: Topical antihistamines do not appear to be effective for itching associated with fibromyalgia. In addition, the prescription of antihistamine Atarax has been reported as very effective as well.

Topamax is actually a medication prescribed for migraines, but some patients with fibromyalgia found that it took the itch away. 
Cover with clothes, including long tunes, cotton pants, dressers and sweaters.

For the scalp, many treatments of use that are often recommended for dandruff, such as Scalpicin, head and shoulders, or Neutrogena T / Gel. 
Cocoa butter formula from Palmer with vitamin E therapy from oil skin. Patients report that it absorbs into the skin very well and does not leave a fat feeling behind. In addition, butter Body Oil Moisturizing cocoa Palmer used after a bath is very useful, although it briefly leaves the feeling of oily or slippery skin.

By pressing as hard as a can on the ground that is itching. This leads to the relaxation of the muscles which decreases the itching. 
The limitation of caffeine.

Allergic soaps, such as Cetaphil liquid soap and Aveeno. 
Gold Bond medicated lotion for after bath or shower with hypoallergenic soap. 
Ativan is an anti-anxiety prescription that is commonly reported to relieve itching, although it can cause drowsiness. 
The elimination of aspirin.

The elimination of ibuprofen. 
Gabapentin is a medicine prescribed to treat seizures and pain caused by herpes zoster. 
Marijuana due to smoking, vaporization, or eating has been widely reported as a “very effective” treatment for fibromyalgia symptoms, including itching.

First note of caution: Many fibro patients take Lyrica as it is one of the most common medications that are used to treat the symptoms of fibromyalgia. However, a common side effect of Lyrica is that it actually produces an itch. Therefore, if you already take care of the symptoms, you may want to try a different medication that does not include a side effect that aggravates a serious problem.

Second note of caution: If you take opioids to relieve pain and symptoms related to fibromyalgia or other order of issues, keep in mind that opiates make itch drastically worse because they release histamines.

Remember that the problem seems itchy to make fibro patients differently so you may have to try several things before you get to the right one that works for you. Just make sure you only try one or two things at a time so you know what is really working. Tell us what has really worked for you!


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