Misbruik is de belangrijkste oorzaak van fibromyalgie.

Fibromyalgie is een pijnstoornis, met symptomen variërend van spierpijn en gevoelloosheid in de ledematen tot slaapstoornissen. Ontsteking en de reactie van het lichaam op stress door complexe interacties tussen de hersenen en andere organen spelen een rol bij fibromyalgie. Het kan moeilijk zijn om de stress te vermijden die het moderne leven ons oplegt, maar er zijn…

Abuse is the leading cause of fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia is a pain disorder, with symptoms ranging from muscle pain and numbness in the extremities to sleep disorders. Inflammation and the body’s response to stress through complex interactions between the brain and other organs play a role in fibromyalgia. It can be difficult to avoid the stresses that modern life throws on us, but there are…

To Anyone Grieving the Loss of Who They Were Before Fibromyalgia

About three weeks into my diagnosis of fibromyalgia, I felt like my symptoms were so much worse than they were before. I was in a lot of pain and my thoughts were in total chaos. Not that I hadn’t felt this way before, it just really seemed to be ramping up. I think the difference is…

Weed Gum For Fibromyalgia Pain Relief: Would You Try This?

A pharmaceutical company has created a game changer for sufferers of a certain condition: weed gum for fibromyalgia. Living with fibromyalgia is hell, but fortunately, medical weed can help. As a  chronic disorder that causes severe pressure and pain on tender points of the body, fibromyalgia also includes a slew of other symptoms. There is…

Fibromyalgie: votre famille comprend-elle?

C’est une maladie épuisante et débilitante, mais la fibromyalgie peut être encore pire si votre famille ne vous soutient pas. Vous pouvez les transformer en les aidant à mieux comprendre ce que vous vivez. Marie Suszynski Examiné médicalement par Niya Jones, MD, MPH La fibromyalgie est généralement une maladie qui change la vie. Mais qu’arrive-t-il lorsque votre…

Fibromialgia: la tua famiglia capisce?

È una condizione estenuante e debilitante, ma la fibromialgia può essere anche peggio se la tua famiglia non ti supporta. Puoi trasformarli aiutandoli a capire meglio cosa stai attraversando. Marie Suszynski Revisionata fisicamente da Niya Jones, MD, MPH La fibromialgia è di solito una malattia che cambia la vita. Ma cosa succede quando la tua famiglia non…

Fibromyalgia: Does your family understand?

It’s an exhausting and debilitating condition, but fibromyalgia can be even worse if your family does not support you. You can transform them by helping them better understand what you are going through. Marie Suszynski Reviewed Physically by Niya Jones, MD, MPH Fibromyalgia is usually a life changing disease. But what happens when your family does not…

You see me when I’m transformed. I put on makeup, my hair is fixed.

I learned all the little tricks to make my eyes look good without unnecessary effort. I learned all the tricks to look normal, despite the abnormal disease. I smile even though I have pain. I sit in silence while my body is screaming in pain inside. I do it to fit. I’m doing it to feel normal. So that others do…

Edouard Philippe entrouvre la porte de la légalisation du cannabis thérapeutique

En visite dans la Creuse, le premier ministre a assuré qu’il “serait absurde de ne pas se poser la question” du cannabis thérapeutique alors de nombreux pays d’Europe l’ont déjà légalisé. Le Premier ministre Edouard Philippe a estimé vendredi qu’il serait “absurde” de s’interdire d’étudier les possibilités du cannabis thérapeutique, lors d’un voyage en Creuse…

Aquatic Therapy: Can Swimming Help Fibromyalgia?

Recently, one of our Facebook followers asked why pain from fibromyalgia would disappear while in the water. She simply went swimming in a lake and noticed that her pain was gone while she was in the water. A commenter replied that she swims once per week in cold water and that relieves her fibro pain as…