La fibromyalgie et la douleur et l’engourdissement dans les jambes et les pieds: Quelle est la raison de ces symptômes?

La douleur à la jambe peut varier d’un léger inconfort qui vient et va, à une douleur invalidante qui rend difficile de dormir, marcher ou effectuer des simples activités quotidiennes. La douleur et l’engourdissement dans les jambes peuvent être expérimentés de plusieurs façons: Certains patients décrivent la douleur comme la douleur, brûlure, lancinante ou sensation…

Fibromyalgia and pain in the hip.

It is not uncommon to have problems with the hip flexor or pain in this area when living with fibromyalgia. The hips, hip flexors and lower back are correlated with areas with fibromyalgia pain due to sensitive areas around the lower back, many more areas of trigger points and other conditions affecting the surrounding areas. The flexor…

Swelling of the fingers and toes from juvenile arthritis

Juvenile arthritisSometimes children complain about joint pains. An articulation is where the ends of the bones meet, such as the knee joint, the shoulder joint, or the small joints of the fingers and toes. Joint pain in children can be caused by a variety of things. But if a baby’s joints are swollen for 6 weeks in a…

What is the problem with fibromyalgia and itching? What causes it?

health problem, skin diseases. Young woman scratching her itchy back with allergy rash Are you losing your mind of scratching an itch that will not go away? It could be the scalp, the back of your neck or behind the ears, legs or feet, and even a finger. And let’s not forget the intimate clothes, like that! It is…

The biggest problem of fibromyalgia

If you suffer from this disease, as you read the title of this article, you will be able to think of many things that may be the worst symptom of fibromyalgia. Shortly after a boat, I can think of acute migraine, muscle pain, memory loss, fibromyalgia, sleep disorders, tremor. There is something worse that affects all…

Cannabis is Healing the Injured Brain – Here’s the Latest

The devastating consequences of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) are reduced through the use of cannabis medicine.  Traumatic brain injury (TBI) accounts for approximately 1.5 million visits to the emergency room and hospitalizations every year.  Young men are vastly over-represented within this population. Still, the majority of head injuries are considered mild and do not receive the medical treatment. The…

Creeping Self Doubt With Fibromyalgia

One of the things that constantly amazes me about fibromyalgia is doubt. We’ve all heard of fibromyalgia patients who don’t believe that their pains are real, or who are interested in medical professionals who are disrespectful of friends and family about the validity of their diagnosis. But I didn’t expect to have to constantly fight with doubt…

Fibromyalgia can be diagnosed accurately with a blood test

CBN. For the first time, researchers have evidence that fibromyalgia can be reliably detected in blood samples; the work they hope will pave the way for a simple and rapid diagnosis. In a study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, researchers at the Ohio State University reported on the success in identifying biomarkers of fibromyalgia and…