Mystery solved: they know how to reduce and treat fibromyalgia

After    much research and    information on the various contributions of people with this little-known disease,     we now come with ‘   excellent news and the solution  comes from Israel (officially) on a new treatment for    fibromyalgia (a  pain of syndrome    ) reduces or completely eliminates the need for medication. Fibromyalgia is almost impossible to diagnose.

Mystery solved: they know how to reduce and cure FIBROMYALGIA

The condition is often caused by head trauma, neurological infection or severe emotional stress. It is characterized by symptoms such as musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, memory loss and mood swings.

Fibromyalgia is often confused with other diseases and most patients experience months to years of persistent pain before they are properly diagnosed. Once diagnosed, patients have a little respite because some therapies have been shown to be effective in relieving their symptoms.

A new study published in PLoS ONE by researchers at Tel Aviv University may change course.

Research has shown that women with fibromyalgia can significantly reduce or even eliminate the use of pain medication   after treatment with hyperbaric oxygen  .

The study was conducted by the late Professor Eshel Ben-Jacob, UTA School Physics and Astronomy and Dr. Shai Efrati School Neuroscience at UTA and Assaf Harofeh Medical Center with Professor Dan Buskila Center Professor Soroka, and was led by a team UTA scientist, Rice University, Ben-Gurion Assaf Harofeh Medical Center and Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center.

The researchers believe they have also identified the most important factor that causes fibromyalgia: a change in the brain’s mechanism for the treatment of pain.

“As a doctor, for me, the most important finding is that 70% of patients were able to recover from their fibromyalgia    symptoms  ,”  said Efrati. “The most exciting thing for the world of research results, however, is that we can map the areas of the brain that are failing and responsible for this syndrome. ”

a hyperbaric chamber of pure oxygen to expose patients to higher pressures than normal oxygen    and are often used for the treatment of patients with stroke, burns, carbon monoxide poisoning, and decompression sickness.

The clinical trial, which exposes participants to two months of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, found significant changes in brain activity and symptoms in 70% of participants.

The trial included 60 women who had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia at least two years earlier. Half of the 48 patients who completed treatment received 40 90-day hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments during which patients were exposed to pure oxygen twice weekly for two months.

Successful treatment of the patient has significantly reduced or eliminated the use of pain medication. “Medications relieve pain, but the condition does not come back. But hyperbaric oxygen therapy could reverse the situation,    “said Efrati, adding that the results warranted further investigation.

“The results are of great importance, hyperbaric oxygen treatments are designed to address the real cause of fibromyalgia, the pathology of the brain responsible for the syndrome. This means that brain repair, including neuronal regeneration, is possible even for chronic diseases, pain syndromes and should be considered for any future development of treatments. ”

The researchers found a number of discrepancies between different patients with fibromyalgia. When fibromyalgia was caused by traumatic brain injury, for example, they witnessed a complete solution without additional treatment. But when the disease was assigned to   other causes, such as  the  diseases  related to the    disease    , the patient   must    undergo regular maintenance therapy.

The researchers continue to study now to conduct in-depth studies on the renewal of brain tissue under hyperbaric conditions.


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