List of more than 70 fibromyalgia symptoms of
those who respect fibromyalgia as a legitimate medical condition, most of them consider the associated chronic pain as the main symptom. Some chronic fatigue have also recognized and fibro-fog as additional symptoms. But what many people do not appreciate about fibromyalgia is that there are more than 70 symptoms that go along with it, whether as the primary symptom overlay or secondary symptom.
Also see that many of these symptoms may be related to fibromyalgia or could easily be symptoms of other diseases. This list is presented as something to think about and information that you can talk to your doctor about them.
- late physical exertion to events or stress reactions.
- chronic generalized pain.
- Other family members with fibromyalgia.
- Sweats, most of the time overnight.
- Unexplained weight gain.
- unexplained weight loss.
- carbohydrate cravings and chocolate
- Headache.
- Tension headaches.
- Migraines.
- Changes in vision (vision deteriorates rapidly).
- specific muscle pain.
- The specific tissue pain.
- morning stiffness.
- Stiffness while sitting in the same position for an extended period.
- Muscle spasms.
- inflammation diffuse.
- Fibrokystique (grumeleux).
- Nasal drip from poteau.
- runny nose.
- Sensitivity to yeast.
- Difficulty breathing.
- Earaches and itchy ears.
- Ringing in the ears (tinnitus).
- and night-time awakenings without sleep.
- Fatigue.
- suddenly want to sleep.
- Muscle spasms.
- grinding of teeth (bruxism).
- premenstrual syndrome.
- The loss of libido.
- Incapacity.
- digestive and abdominal symptoms.
- Bloating and nausea.
- abdominal cramps.
- Pelvic pain.
- Irritable bowel syndrome.
- bladder symptoms.
- known words of slurred speech, other speech disorders (dysphasia).
- spatial disorientation.
- Balance problems.
- paresthesia of the upper extremities (tingling or burning sensation).
- The loss of ability to distinguish shades of colors.
- Alteration of short-term memory.
- Confusion.
- Difficult to concentrate.
- Inability to recognize a familiar environment.
- sensory symptoms.
- Sensitivity to odors.
- Sensitivity to changes in pressure, temperature and humidity.
- Sensitivity to light.
- The sensitivity to noise.
- Difficulty driving at night.
- sensory overload.
- Panic attacks
- Depression
- Tendency to cry easily
- Anxiety
- Humour change
- unexplained irritability
- mitral valve prolapse
- irregular heartbeats (arrhythmia, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome)
- Costochondritis pain that mimics a heart attack.
- Nails pronounced striations
- Nails that curve down
- The spots on the skin
- blue
- Hair loss (temporary)
- overgrowth of tissue (non-cancerous tumors called lipomas, ingrown hairs, thick cuticles)
- Hemorrhoids