If you love someone with fibromyalgia, keep in mind that they suffer from severe pain that vary from day to day and from hour to hour.

If you love someone with fibromyalgia know severe pain which vary from day to day and from hour to hour. We can not predict that. So we want you to understand that sometimes things have to be canceled at the last minute and it bothers us as much as you.

We want you to know that we must learn to accept our body with its limitations, and it’s not easy. There is no cure against fibromyalgia, but we try to relieve symptoms every day. We ask not to suffer from this.

Many times we feel overwhelmed and can not cope with more stress than us. If possible, do not add more stress to my body.

Although we see, we do not feel well. We have learned to live with constant pain most of the time. When you see us happy, it does not necessarily mean that we have no difficulty, we simply occupy. Some think that we can not be so bad if we are good. The pain is not. This is a chronic disease “invisible” and it is not easy for us to have it.

Understand, please, because we can not work and that we are not waves. Our fatigue and our pain are unpredictable and, because of this, we must make adjustments in our lifestyle. Something that seems simple and easy to do it is not for us and can cause us a lot of fatigue and pain. Not necessarily something we did yesterday, we can do it today, but that does not mean we can not.

Parfois, nous sommes déprimés. Qui ne serait pas déprimé par une douleur forte et constante? On a constaté que la dépression survient avec une fréquence égale dans la fibromyalgie que dans toute autre affection de la douleur chronique. Cela nous donne de la douleur pour être déprimé, mais nous sommes déprimés par la douleur et l’incapacité de faire ce que nous avons utilisé. Nous nous sentons également mal quand il n’y a pas de soutien et de compréhension des médecins, de la famille et des amis. S’il vous plaît, comprenez-moi, avec votre soutien et votre aide aminore ma douleur.

Pendant que nous dormons toute la nuit, nous ne reposons pas assez. Les personnes atteintes de fibromyalgie ont une mauvaise qualité du sommeil, ce qui rend la douleur pire jour qui dort mal.

For us, it is not easy to stay in one position (although the seats) long. This causes us much pain and time to recover. Why not let some activities that we know that this factor would hurt us. Sometimes we are well we know the consequences it will bring.

We do not become mad if we sometimes forget simple things, what we were saying, someone’s name or say the wrong word. These are cognitive problems that are part of fibromyalgia especially in the days when we have a lot of pain. It’s a strange thing for you and for me. But we laugh together and help us keep our sense of humor.

Most people with fibromyalgia are very familiar with this condition, some doctors and other people because we were forced to educate us to understand our bodies. So please, if you offer me a “cure”, do not do it. Not because I do not appreciate your help or I’m not going to improve, but because I stay informed and tried many things.

We are very happy when we have a date with little or no trouble when we sleep, when we do something we have not done for a long time, when we understand.


We really appreciate all you have done and can do for me; Including your efforts to inform and understand. Little things mean a lot to me and I need you to help me. Be gentle and patient. Remember that in this still tired body, I still am. I try to learn to live day to day with my new limits and to keep hope tomorrow. Help me to laugh and see the wonderful things that God gives us.


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