Fibromyalgia: excessive sweating and how to manage it

Do you hit yourself drenched with sweat, sometimes unusual, without any obvious cause? This is one of those strange, confusing symptoms of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome that are not seen in those inadequate, presents little symptoms. Doctors and researchers do not really bother with him because we have so many bigger problems, but when you have to deal with this every day they can have a big impact on your life.

If you have fibromyalgia, an “invisible disease,” you often experience severe symptoms that no one can see, sometimes leading to misunderstandings and causing more stressful situations. Most likely you are accustomed to taking a more careful approach to outdoor activities or a type of effort to terrorize your symptoms, but if you do not have a comprehensive support system of family and friends, you may find yourself closed by people who can not feel sorry for what is happening through their body.

Pain and migraines are the most common imperceptible symptoms of fibro, but overheating is one that often goes unnoticed. However, staying indoors and in the shade is not enough to combat sweating and flushing, reactions of a faulty limbic and endocrine system. There are many things we do not know about fibromyalgia. And one of the most disconcerting mysteries of the disease is the way it seems to affect and be affected by the body’s internal temperature.

Low temperatures seem to worsen the symptoms, but on the contrary getting over-heated seems to affect your symptoms. And regulating the internal temperature can be difficult, so many people with fibromyalgia suffer from night sweats. Night sweats are mostly what they sound like: an extreme phase of sweating that tends to come out at night. However, while it may not sound like a very serious problem, having night sweats is uncomfortable, irritating, and makes it difficult to get a decent night’s sleep.

As soon as a body exerts energy it also produces sweat in order to cool down. The body sweats during certain terms when you have to work more, such as exercising, walking excessively, or when it is hot outside. As soon as the body sweats and is not in reaction to a characteristic condition as previously programmed, then it is extreme sweating. Sweating problems are common in FM because of autonomic nervous system dysfunction.

The sweat glands receive innervation of the specific autonomic nerves called sudomotor sympathetic nerves. Sweating regulates the temperature of our body (called thermoregulation). In FM, dysautonomia is present and causes excessive sweating frequency, but from time to time the contradictory occurs and our skin may be too dehydrated. Rigidity, cold and numbness in the hands and feet are common symptoms of fibro, and if you have concurrent symptoms of hot flashes and sweating, the results can be miserable.

Women must face the consequences of having makeup melt off their face, especially during the hot months. There are not many recognized causes of unnecessary sweating that can be identified, such as nervousness, which are all connected to the nervous, endocrine and limbic systems.

What causes excessive sweating?

Several things could be responsible for our sweating, either alone or in combination. They contain autonomic dysfunction of the nervous system, sensitivity to heat, high norepinephrine, naturally or medications (antidepressants) and worry. The only cause that is “curable” is the side effect of the medication, and that may not be an attractive option for you if the medication is doing more good than harm. The hypothalamus is one of the most significant and underestimated parts of the brain currently known to man, and that does not expand the thoughts.

This almond-shaped nucleus performs a variety of functions, including its most important function of linking the nervous system with the endocrine system through the pituitary gland, or pituitary gland. The metabolism is linked to the hypothalamus. Most people metabolism associated with a simple ability to convert food into energy more than fat, making it easier to eat more and stay thin. But it is more complicated than that.

The metabolic process is mainly the conversion of food / fuel for energy and building blocks to biomolecules such as proteins, so any irregularity in the metabolic system can explain a wide variety of organic changes, not restricted to exhaustion and weight loss . The hypothalamus is responsible for some metabolic processes and activities of the autonomic nervous system. The shot in the same as always more stimulate our autonomic: changes in climate, heat, sunlight and certain drugs, especially changes of position of the SSRI and SSN IRSN that are established, stress, attempts to exercise , etc., and we can become sweat machines in good faith.


This is one of those symptoms that we have to live, either with or find ways to manage. One of the important things is to stay hydrated, replace both water and electrolytes to sweat, since dehydration is really not fun. And it can be difficult for us to say when we are dehydrated because the symptoms may be similar to some we already have.

A “treatable” cause is the possible side effects of high antidepressant levels of norepinephrine. But the only way to cure that cause is to stop taking the medication, a cooperation that might not be worth it if the benefits outweigh the pain. Loose powders and antiperspirants can maintain a fresh feeling, but dress shields, sweat absorbing pads and even sanitary napkins could be a better defense.

There are a few treatments to help with excessive sweating. Some of these treatments include deodorants, medications, botox, surgery and the use of dry clothes stay. In severe cases, the doctor may recommend surgery or a treatment called iontophoresis, in which an electric current is sent through the water to stun nerves in the affected area, such as the hands or feet. Multiple treatments are required, but the procedure can be up to 80% effective.

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