6 painless fibromyalgia symptoms that often go unnoticed

The pain of fibromyalgia can easily derail your whole life. This is an agonizing experience and seemingly ending that leaves you unable to do things that others take for granted. But while this pain is the most notable symptom and one that usually sends people to the doctor for the first time, there are many painless symptoms…

The courts have confirmed that fibromyalgia is reason to declare a permanent disability

Social Chamber of the TSJ Catalonia held in a recent judgment, S 1403/2015 24 February (Rec. suplicación 6239/2014), fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a ground for declaring a “permanent disability” The statement refers to a case of a woman operating chemical industry, which has suffered most recurrent depression with psychotic symptoms without gravity,…

27 fibromyalgia actual symptoms are not just in your head

Fibromyalgia is a chronic widespread pain disorder that occurs primarily in women 20 to 50 years. The Musculoskeletal National Institute of Arthritis and Diseases estimated five million people in the US suffer from fibromyalgia. Even if it is so pervasive, the cause of fibromyalgia is still uncertain, and the symptoms of fibromyalgia can be as varied and…

Lady Gaga cancels Rio concert having been hospitalised with ‘severe pain’

The pop star, who has the chronic pain condition fibromyalgia, pulls out of gig in Brazil saying ‘it’s not simply wear and tear’ from her world tour  Lady Gaga at the Toronto film festival last week. Photograph: Mark Blinch/Reuters Lady Gaga has been forced to cancel the Rio concert of her world tour, citing “severe pain”…

FIBROMYALGIA: Finally recognized by the Health Insurance

Fibromyalgia France is satisfied with the publication on the website of the Insurance ameli.fr a “plug fibromyalgia” disease to have a formal and reliable document syndrome. After the publication in 2007 of the report of the National Academy of Medicine, in 2010 the guidance of the High Authority of Health report, and pending the collective…


For all those involved or interested in fibromyalgia, you know now that it is a disease involving diffuse muscle and joint pain, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, minor cognitive disorders and disorders mood of varying intensity and chronic course. Other pain may be present, associated with irritable bowel syndrome, migraine, premenstrual syndrome in women, myofascial syndrome…


A study published in the medical journal PLoS ONE suggests that patients affected by fibromyalgia show changes in cerebral blood flow. These changes could be the cause of painful symptoms. Researchers from the University of Valencia conducted a study on 30 women, including 15 affected by fibromyalgia to understand the impact of the disease on cerebral…

Fibromyalgia and pain of the hip flexors

It is not uncommon to have problems with the hip flexors or pain in this area when you live with fibromyalgia. Hip, hip flexors and downs back pain correlates with the areas of fibromyalgia due to sensitive areas on the back, much lower trigger points and areas other conditions affecting the surrounding areas.  Hip flexors let…

fibromyalgia and pain in the legs

Do you suffer with fibromyalgia pain in the legs? The pain associated with tender points and trigger points in multiple sites? Although we often refer as tender points, they are actually more like soft   AREAS  . Now, most people with fibro describe a “space” of pain that radiates into surrounding tendons or trigger points. Often there is a commitment to…