Fibromyalgie gekoppeld aan infantiele stress en onbehandelde negatieve emoties

Fibromyalgie verhinderde Vera, 46, om ‘s morgens op te staan. Toen hij zich naar de badkamer begaf en begon te werken, kwamen de pijnwonden op zijn handen, hoofd en nek. Tranen in de ogen. Het maakte haar boos om te denken dat Kurt er niet eens aan had gedacht om thuis dingen op te lossen om het leven…

Fibromyalgia linked to infantile stress and untreated negative emotions

Fibromyalgia prevented Vera, 46, from getting up in the morning. As he made his way to the bathroom and began to work, the pain wounds settled on his hands, head, and neck. Tears in the eyes. It made her angry to think that Kurt had not even thought about fixing things at home to make life a little…

Melatonin Supplements May Help Treat Fibromyalgia by Aiding Mitochondria

Melatonin, an antioxidant, may be beneficial in treating imbalances  in the mitochondria of people with fibromyalgia, a complication known as mitochondrial dysfunction, a study in rats with fibromyalgia-like chronic pain symptoms reports. The study, “Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Skeletal Muscle of a Fibromyalgia Model: The Potential Benefits of Melatonin,” was published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Fibromyalgia…

‘Our Pain Is Invisible But We’re Not’

By Kristen Mascia Consider for a moment the womenin your life who regularly grit their teeth through pain. Your old college roommate who was knocked flat by migraines. The friend who cancels plans because of her nightmarish cramps from fibroids. The running buddy whose relentless backaches have sidelined her from your weekly jogs. Women are taught…

What It Means When I Say I’m Having a ‘Bad Pain Day’

By:Christiana Ares-Christian My family, friends, and students know that I have “bad pain days.” On what I call “bad pain days,” the things that I can do are limited and my pain is at its worst. However, there is really so much more to it than that. My pain sets off a cascade of effects that…

La fibromyalgie cette maladie qui fait mal partout

Beaucoup de gens en souffrent. Malgré les visites chez le médecin, l’état général ne semble pas s’améliorer. Les patients ressentent la même chose: douleur chronique qui touche plus ou moins toutes les parties du corps et se manifeste par une asthénie et une fatigue permanente accompagnée de troubles du sommeil. Est-ce la fibromyalgie? La fibromyalgie,…

Fibromyalgie deze ziekte die overal pijn doet

Veel mensen hebben er last van. Ondanks bezoeken aan de dokter lijkt de algemene toestand niet te verbeteren. De patiënten voelen hetzelfde: een chronische spierpijntoestand die zich uitstrekt tot min of meer alle delen van het lichaam en die wordt gemanifesteerd door asthenie en een permanente vermoeidheid met belangrijke verstoringen van de slaap. Is het fibromyalgie? Fibromyalgie, ook…

Fibromyalgia this disease that hurts everywhere

Many people suffer from it. Despite visits to the doctor, the general condition does not seem to improve. The patients feel the same thing: a chronic muscular pain condition extended to more or less all the parts of the body and which is manifested by asthenia and a permanent tiredness with important disturbances of the sleep. Is it…

List of more than 70 symptoms of fibromyalgia

List of more than 70 fibromyalgia symptoms of those who respect fibromyalgia as a legitimate medical condition, most of them consider the associated chronic pain as the main symptom. Some chronic fatigue have also recognized and fibro-fog as additional symptoms. But what many do not like fibromyalgia is that there are more than 70 symptoms that go…