10 True Causes of Fibromyalgia Your Doctor Will Never Tell You About

It is estimated that fibromyalgia affects almost 6 million or 1 in 50 people. Fibromyalgia is classically characterized by chronic pain, particularly muscle aches, fatigue, trouble sleeping, brain fog or cognitive impairment, depression, and painful tender points throughout the body. Conventional medicine has yet to uncover the cause of fibromyalgia and only offers to treat symptoms with…

16 Ways to Imagine What Fibromyalgia Disorder Feels Like

BY JULIA NELSON 1. “Imagine the worst sickness, fatigue and pain and your head is in a deep fog where it made you think to go to the hospital. Now imagine feeling like that every day and knowing if you go to the hospital they will likely find nothing wrong and send you home and tell you…

43 Fibromyalgia Symptoms – Anyone with muscle pain should read this

This article was written by Julie Hambleton, fitness and nutrition expert and co-founder of the Taste Archives.    In the United States, between three and six million people, or one in fifty, suffer from fibromyalgia, a debilitating syndrome characterized by pain experienced throughout the body with no obvious cause. Although people often don’t get better with…

Fibromyalgia is now considered a lifelong disease of the central nervous system

Fibromyalgia is the second most common rheumatic disorder behind osteoarthritis and is still largely unrecognized. It is now believed to be a lifelong disorder of the central nervous system responsible for increasing pain in the body. Daniel Clauw, MD, professor of anesthesiology at the University of Michigan, examined the neurological basis of fibromyalgia in a plenary lecture…

How Swearing Helps Fibromyalgia Pain

A new study suggests that using bad words can actually help in dealing with pain. If you are suffering from fibromyalgia, this may somehow benefit you in certain ways. Results of the Study The study investigating the connection between swearing and pain was published in the journal NeuroReport. The experiment was conducted by comparing the amount…

Do you lose strength in your hands? Fibromyalgia sufferers do

A common feature that most fibromyalgia sufferers present is a diffuse pain that affects a large part of the body. This disconcerting symptom is usually accompanied by morning joint stiffness, paresthesias in the hands and feet, ie tingling sensation and numbness, sleep disturbances and above all a feeling of tiredness and fatigue that accompanies them…

Please, do not roll your eyes when I tell you that I have fibromyalgia

I usually do not tell people that I have  fibromyalgia  because this admission is usually accompanied by the eye turning. Fibromyalgia is a unique disease in which many people, including doctors, believe that we are inventing it. In your mind, fibromyalgia does not exist. Everything is in our heads. We need advice, or we are looking for drugs. People who live…

49 Fibromyalgia Symptoms – Anyone with muscle pain should read this

In America, between three and six million people, or one in every fifty, suffer from fibromyalgia, a syndrome characterized by debilitating pain throughout the body without any obvious cause. Although people often improve over time, it is often something they will have to face for life. If you have chronic muscle pain, however, it does not…

Fibromialgia vinculada al estrés infantil y emociones negativas no tratadas

La fibromialgia impidió que Vera, de 46 años, se levantara por la mañana. Mientras se dirigía al baño y comenzó a trabajar, las heridas de dolor se asentaron en sus manos, cabeza y cuello. Lágrimas en los ojos. La hizo enojar pensar que Kurt ni siquiera había pensado en arreglar las cosas en casa para hacer la vida…

Fibromialgia ligada ao estresse infantil e emoções negativas não tratadas

A fibromialgia evitou que Vera, 46, se levantasse pela manhã. Quando ele foi para o banheiro e começou a trabalhar, as feridas da dor se instalaram em suas mãos, cabeça e pescoço. Lágrimas nos olhos. Isso a deixou com raiva ao pensar que Kurt nem pensara em consertar as coisas em casa para tornar a vida um pouco…