10 true causes of fibromyalgia, the doctor will never tell you

While only an estimate, fibromyalgia affects 1 in 50 people, totaling up to 6 million. It is characterized by chronic musculoskeletal pain accompanied by symptoms such as brain fog, cognitive impairment, depression, painful spots throughout the body, fatigue and sleep disorders. The root cause of fibromyalgia still remains uncertain, and conventional medicine currently addresses its symptoms using…

New vaccine for the treatment of fibromyalgia that actually works

If someone could give you a vaccine that could cure your fibromyalgia, would you do it? It may sound like a dream, but it’s closer to reality than you think. Los Angeles-based biomedical firm,   EpicGenetics   and Massachusetts General Hospital researchers seek FDA clearance to test Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine next year   as a potential treatment for fibromyalgia . BCG is a generic…

There are three main types of pain in fibromyalgia: hyperalgesia, allodynia and paraesthesia.

Chronic pain      is just one of the many symptoms that     fibromyalgia       almost always shows , but for me it is the most common.Pain affects every aspect of my life.Expensive payment for all physical activities I do; Even the smallest task can lead to a large increase in my symptoms.The pain of fibromyalgia is unique due to the severity, complexity and multiple…

Hay tres tipos principales de dolor en la fibromialgia: hiperalgesia, alodinia y parestesia.

El dolor crónico      es solo uno de los muchos síntomas que la     fibromialgia      casi siempre muestra , pero para mí es el más común.El dolor afecta todos los aspectos de mi vida.Pago caro para todas las actividades físicas que hago; Incluso la tarea más pequeña puede llevar a un gran aumento de mis síntomas.El dolor de la fibromialgia es único debido…

Fibromyalgia: How do you live if it all hurts?

Chronic pain, fatigue, sleep problems, muscle stiffness, anxiety, depression. There’s something else: yes, you learn to live with it Fibromyalgia (FM)   since simultaneous and apparently showed symptoms that are not associated with each other    but that fit the puzzle pieces due to the lack of remission and to diagnose due to the emergency day was significant the sum…


“Complete remission was achieved by 5 of 11 subjects and a clinical response was observed in 10 of 11 subjects in the cannabis group.” Crohn’s disease sufferers know only too well how devastating the disease can be, but few know it’s life-threatening.  Thankfully, patients using medical cannabis report that it not only treats the disease,…


Nick Demos, producer and director of the Tony Award, has a mission: he wants to make the diagnosis, the treatment and the consequences of the awareness of fibromyalgia in the world. He is personally affected by fibromyalgia: his mother, a woman with fibromyalgia, found a lack of pain relief, social consequences and some responses. He is on…

100 Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Fibromyalgia is a disorder that causes widespread and constant body pain, sleep disturbances and extreme tiredness, however, it can cause a number of additional discomforts. Here are 100 possible characteristics and symptoms that may accompany this disease: Isolation Allergy to certain medicines, foods and food additives Allodynia, things that are usually not painful, like a brush…

Fibromyalgia and pain of the hip flexors

It is not uncommon to have problems with hip flexors or pain in this area when living with fibromyalgia. The hip, hip flexors and back pain drops correlate with the areas of fibromyalgia due to the sensitive areas in the back, the much lower trigger points and the other conditions areas that affect the surrounding areas. Flexors…