We all know that things don’t stay the same as we get older. Things soon start to go down south when we reach the ripe old age of 35.
It’s a constant reminder to try and stay as fit and healthy as we possibly can so we can keep up with our younger friends and family.
We should try to look after ourselves more than we currently do.
It’ll be hard in the beginning, but by regularly going to the gym, cutting down on the fast food and surgery treats, and trying to keep our minds fit and active, we’ll soon get the hang of it!
After all, how are we suppose to fight off death and live a long and happy life if we can barely manage to climb a flight of stairs without getting out of breath?!
Now I’m not suggesting that you become a fitness fanatic, so there’s no need to panic.
All I’m saying is when you reach a certain age, healthy living becomes more and more important.
Trust me on this, you won’t regret in the long run!
When it comes to our health, we can sometimes experience certain symptoms and think nothing of it.
But these symptoms are our bodies ways of warning us that something’s not quite right.
One specific symptom of a serious condition is pain.
Have you ever had pain all over your body and didn’t understand why?
Well, this could be a sign of fibromyalgia.
It’s a mysterious disease that causes doctors around the world to argue about its cause.
This uncertainty around the mystery disease begs a lot of questions.
How does it occur? Does it even exist?
The only thing physicians are able to agree on is that spotting the signs of fibromyalgia is important.
So to try and get a much better understanding of what’s what in terms of fibromyalgia, we’re put together a list of symptoms.
Just remember to check yourselves with the map that’s located at the end of this article.
It’ll only take a minute, but it could be the most important minute of your life.
The Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia
1. You’ve had persistent pain for more than 3 months.
2. You’re feeling fatigued and constant stiffness, especially in the morning.
3. You have a broken sleep schedule.
4. The pain in some points of your body is more intense than in other parts.
5. You’re constantly plagued by headaches.
6. You have painful periods.
7. You experience discomfort in your bowels and while you pee.
8. You are weather-dependent, which means you react to the cold, to heat, sharp smells, and loud noises.
9. Your body can suddenly raise its body temperature without any reason.
10. You have sudden and strange sensations in your body, which often feel like numbness, burning, and swelling.
11. You struggle to concentrate and remember things.
12. You are easily irritated and you’re often in a depressed mood.
Fibromyalgia Myths
1. It’s not a disease, it’s just subjective sensations.
Actually, fibromyalgia is one of the most common disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
But at the moment, there are too many unanswered questions about it. Even doctors struggle with it!
It’s still unknown what the exact cause of it is in the first place!
2. It only a problem for elderly women.
This is far from the truth, even children can be affected.
The vast majority of suffers range from 20 to 50 years of age. Statistically speaking, yes, fibromyalgia is more common in women, but it doesn’t mean men are safe from the disease.
3. The pain is tolerable.
The constant fits of pain can often lead to disability. But that’s not all, some doctors believe that fibromyalgia can increases the risk of stroke, especially in young people.
What To Do?
1. You should consult your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms.
Only a doctor can determine if you really have fibromyalgia, as soon as they determine that, then they’ll be able to prescribe the right treatment for you.
2. Drug therapy.
Generally, analgesics and anti-inflammatories are prescribed to treat fibromyalgia. But sometimes antidepressants can also be prescribed to treat it.
3. Physical activity.
Physical therapy and activity can help restore your body’s mobility.
For example, in Japan, short sessions of cryotherapy are used to help combat the disease.
Pain Point Map: Check Yourself
As a rule, you should press the marked points.
If the resulting pain is dull and shallow, and its focal area isn’t too large, don’t panic.
You should only be worried when the affected points have a symmetrical arrangement of the points.
If everything matches, then it’s time to see your doctor.
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