A Letter For People Who Ask You About Fibromyalgia

Have you ever been asked, “So, what’s the deal with fibromyalgia? What is fibromyalgia, really?” When you’re asked, what do you say? Do you have a clear, concise, spiel that gives the facts or a printed list with need-to-know bullet points? Nope, I don’t either. Sometimes when I’m asked, I’m in the middle of doing something…

Je ne suis pas malade.’ J’ai la fibromyalgie.

Le problème avec la fibromyalgie est que chaque jour c’est quelque chose de nouveau. Mon quotidien est une bataille constante sur une piste tout terrain; plein de dangers, aucune idée où je vais ou ce que je vais frapper ensuite. Je suis dans un rond-point infini de symptômes. Chaque obstacle est calculé pour éviter les risques, mais le résultat n’est jamais…

Ik ben niet ziek.’ Ik heb fibromyalgie.

De strijd met fibromyalgie is dat het elke dag iets nieuws is. Mijn dagelijkse is een constante strijd op een all-terrain baan; vol gevaren, geen idee waar ik naartoe ga of wat ik de volgende zal raken. Ik zit in een oneindige rotonde van symptomen. Elk obstakel wordt berekend om risico te vermijden, maar de uitkomst is nooit voorspelbaar, hoe hard…

I’m Not ‘Sick.’ I Have Fibromyalgia.

The struggle with fibromyalgia is that every day it’s something new. My everyday is a constant battle on an all-terrain track; full of dangers, no idea where I’m going or what I’ll hit next. I’m in an infinity roundabout of symptoms. Every obstacle is calculated to avoid risk but the outcome is never predictable no matter how…

Surprising Symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Some of them we never noticed

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease most commonly known to cause generalized pain, fatigue, and brain fog. However, the disease is complex – it can cause a myriad of symptoms and is often accompanied by comorbidities, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or chronic fatigue syndrome. As fibromyalgia was formally recognized only a few decades ago, doctors are…

Lady Gaga shines a light on fibromyalgia: “chronic pain is not a joke”

How has fibromyalgia affected one of the best-selling musical artists of the 21st century? In “Gaga: Five Foot Two,” a   documentary   published on Netflix this month, Lady Gaga describes the pain that has characterized her life with fibromyalgia for the past half decade. “I have pursued this pain for five years,” said Gaga. “It can still be me,…

People with fibromyalgia take longer to fall asleep, to sleep less and less. Research

People with fibromyalgia have more difficulties falling asleep, the quality of sleep is worse and the amount less, compared to the general population, second the results of a new revision. Researchers have drawn the attention of physicians specializing in sleep disorders in fibromyalgia patients, since better sleep can help improve the symptoms of the disease….

El abuso es la principal causa de la fibromialgia.

ilo de vida y el estilo de vida. opciones de comida La violencia es la principal causa de la fibromialgia. No hay una respuesta única o simple por qué el maltrato psicológico o la angustia pueden desencadenar la fibromialgia. El estrés emocional puede debilitar su capacidad para protegerse de varias enfermedades crónicas como el dolor FMS. También…

O abuso é a principal causa da fibromialgia.

A fibromialgia é um distúrbio da dor, com sintomas que variam de dor muscular e dormência nas extremidades a distúrbios do sono. Inflamação e resposta do corpo ao estresse através de interações complexas entre o cérebro e outros órgãos desempenham um papel na fibromialgia. Pode ser difícil evitar as tensões que a vida moderna nos lança, mas…

L’abuso è la principale causa di fibromialgia.

La fibromialgia è un disturbo del dolore, con sintomi che vanno dal dolore muscolare e intorpidimento delle estremità ai disturbi del sonno. L’infiammazione e la risposta del corpo allo stress attraverso complesse interazioni tra il cervello e altri organi svolgono un ruolo nella fibromialgia. Può essere difficile evitare gli stress che la vita moderna ci getta addosso,…